The movie follows the story of teenagers Allie and Christian, high-achieving students severely challenged by pressures both at home and school on a difficult journey as they search for answers and a road back.
Based on true-life experiences of teenagers, the movie explores the stigma attached to mental health issues among youth living with anxiety and depression. The youth creators want the film to raise awareness and change attitudes about people living with mental illness. Ultimately, they would like to see people recognize the signs of anxiety and depression and seek out help quickly, as research shows the sooner an individual receives treatment the better the outcomes are long-term.
Editor's Note:Arcadia Hospital is a non-profit acute care hospital and community mental health agency located in Bangor, Maine, and is a member of Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems (EMHS). The hospital is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for children, adolescents, and adults with mental health and chemical dependency problems and to advocating for their mental, physical and spiritual well-being. This film is available for order.
Help with social anxiety disorder is available.
Editor's Note: This film is kindly reposted with the permission of Acadia Hospital.