What You (and your child) Need to Know About Anxiety

About Anxiety
Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. But when it is pervasive and impacts a child's health and well-being it's time to take action.
It's easy to miss an anxious child or teen, because anxious children are often very quiet and compliant.
Recognized as the most common mental health concern for children and adults, untreated anxiety can lead to depression, substance abuse and unrecognized opportunities.
Experts caution that parents often diminish anxiety in children, thinking that it is something they will grow out of over time.
Yelling or making fun of a child who is fearful only deepens anxiety.
Children whose families have immigrated from war torn parts of the world or live in high crime neighborhoods are particularly prone to experience anxiety disorders.

About Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. But when it is pervasive and impacts a child's health and well-being it's time to take action.
It's easy to miss an anxious child or teen, because anxious children are often very quiet and compliant.
Recognized as the most common mental health concern for children and adults, untreated anxiety can lead to depression, substance abuse and unrecognized opportunities.
Experts caution that parents often diminish anxiety in children, thinking that it is something they will grow out of over time.
Yelling or making fun of a child who is fearful only deepens anxiety.
Children whose families have immigrated from war torn parts of the world or live in high crime neighborhoods are particularly prone to experience anxiety disorders.
Worth Talking About
Worth Talking About
Take Action
...at Home

When Anxiety Interrupts a Child‘s Life
Is it any wonder so many children are anxious? As the recent horror in Connecticut demonstrates, children today may be confronted with unthinkable realities, events that their parents and grandparents could never have conceived.
Take Action
...at School

When Anxiety Hits at School
Salli-Ann Holloway could not breathe. Sitting in her Advanced Placement English class, she could not stop shaking. Her neck twitched relentlessly. She gasped for air. Her body went numb.
Take Action
...in the Community
Website Helps Teens with Anxiety and Stress
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